Operating Schedule
- Open February through November for schooling.
- Available for rent for clinics, camps, competitions, etc.
- All schooling must be by appointment only.
Tulipsprings Evolution Since 2020
2020 was an interesting year for all of us. Tulipsprings canceled most of our spring activities due to the Pandemic and it gave us all a chance to reassess our goals going forward.
Due to travel restrictions on some of our favorite clinicians, and other factors, we refocused on Area VII groups coming to school for private weekends where riders and their horses
could stay and play safely in their own social groups and in the clean outdoor air.
When we started getting back to normal operation, we realized that our main value in Area VII is providing excellent footing
for early spring cross country schooling. Much of Area VII is wet or frozen for most of the spring, leaving very few
opportunities to get horses and riders tuned up before competitions begin in May. Tulipsprings is usually open for schooling
by mid February on great dry turf, and because of this we are very active in February through May. While we are still open by
appointment through the rest of the year, and we may still run a few clinics, we are primarily focused on providing well maintained
footing and courses for Area VII spring training.
Our courses contain schooling questions at all levels. More options
are added every year by our professional course builders!
Archive of Activities at Tulipsprings
2015-19 Recap
In 2019 we hosted Lucinda Green for the first time. Now the
Tulipsprings fun extends into a new decade!
We had a full slate of fun at Tulipsprings, with Eric Smiley clinics in the
Spring and Fall, Area VII Young Rider Camp, Pony Club Rallies, Jimmy Wofford
returning for the Grand Fall Finale. Spring Training weekends were full with
entusiastice Area VII trainers and their clients getting a jump on the Summer
competition season. 2019 Spring Training weekends are already nearly fully
booked with returning riders, trainers, and clinicians!!
2014 Recap
Captain Mark Phillips, Eric Smiley, Yves Sauvignon, Jimmy Wofford, and Leslie
Law returned to Tulipsprings in 2014. We had great clinics in Fall and Spring,
and many very full trainer weekends! Thanks to all returning riders, trainers,
and clinicians!!
2013 Recap
Captain Mark Phillips and Yves Sauvignon returned in 2013. We hosted another
Area VII Young Riders camp. Eric Smiely came to Tulipsprings for the first time
in Spring 2013 and it went so well that we have him scheduled to return in
Spring 2014!
2012 Retrospective
In 2012 we had several excellent "repeat" weekends, including a Jimmy Wofford
clinic and the Area VII Young Riders camp. We added a few new faces with Yves
Sauvignon and Captain Mark Phillips. Both new clinicians will be coming back by
popular demand in 2013!
2011 Retrospective
- October 30-31 2010 last clinic with Ian..We miss you!
- We had great fun and learned a lot.
Even the weather
- Jimmy Wofford Clinic
- March 12-13
- It was so much fun!
- Buck Davidson Clinic
- Postponed to 2012 due to Pan Am Games. Well Done Buck!
- Buck scheduled for May 5-6, 2012
- Don Sachey Clinic
- June 18-19
- Another Great Weekend !!
- Spring Fling H/J Show, Derby, and Clinics
- April 23-25
- A huge success!! TBD for 2012
- Leslie Law Clinic